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This page exists so that you can check out pronunciation of words and sentences.

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Δотҫем зересеьі (Dotzjem cexezeqi) /du:t͡ʃem zexezeqi/ #lexember #conlang #Delang

The literal meaning of the Delang word is #conlang #Delang

Flauw, the first month of the year, has 28 days. For more information about the Illome Calendar, check out #conlang #Delang

Hope, the tenth month of the year, has 29 days. For more information about the Illome Calendar, check out #conlang #Delang

Revelation, the seventh month of the year, has 29 days. For more information about the Illome Calendar, check out #conlang #Delang

Fabull, the fourth month of the year, has 29 days. For more information about the Illome Calendar, check out #conlang #Delang

The word is a derivation of ісδаłье (izdarqe) /izdaɹqe/, meaning 'out of the circle'. #conlang #Delang

The word is a derivation of ісδаłье (izdarqe) /izdaɹqe/, meaning 'out of the circle'. The long count of 36 calendar rounds is 936 years long. #conlang #Delang

111 (111) /111/ -
222 (222) /222/ -
333 (333) /333/ -