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This page exists so that you can check out pronunciation of words and sentences.

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Δотҫем зересеьі (Dotzjem cexezeqi) /du:t͡ʃem zexezeqi/ #lexember #conlang #Delang

The Љиδис (Lluduz) /ɭʉ:dʉ:z/ is the most common of the social currencies, and as such the least valuable. A standard wad contains 30 Schools.

The Fомі (Fomi) /fu:mi/ is the second most common of the social currencies, and is about twice the value of a School. A standard wad contains 15 Children.

The Ьібłі (Qibri) /qibɹi/ is the rarest of the social currencies, and can be considered have thrice the value of a Children. A standard wad contains 5 Kiss.

(Relative genitive means that Delang consider this word to be part of the declination of another word)

111 (111) /111/ -
222 (222) /222/ -
333 (333) /333/ -