Words similar to English taboo word

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As the words in this article are not profanities in Delang, they're illustrated by being spoken by a young girl called Zjauny /ʃɔny/, aged 5.

δіь (dick)

Normalized pronounciation: /diq/


Zjauny comes up to a police officer saying the following words:
  • Vy, Diqman? Haux dediq?
/vy diqma:n hɔx dediq/
Although she is actually calling the police officer something like "dick man" she is holding the a in man longer and using /a/ in stead of the English /æ/.
The word δіьман means police officer. Literally, law man.
She is also talking about "the dick", or something to that effect. However, although the words are similar, this is Delang and not English.
The word diq, here used in definite singular, dediq, means law.
  • You, police man? What's the law?


With the similarity between the Delang word diq and the English word dick, one could make the error of claiming the author of Delang dislikes law, order and those that uphold it. However such a claim can not me made based on this coincident. Both diq and diqman comes from the Delang word for justice, dike /dike/, which in turn is the name of the goddess of justice (see also Wikipedia).

Similar words:

  • ҩнΔіь /ɔndiq/ (normal)
  • δіке /dike/ (justice)
  • δіь /diq/ (law)
  • δіьі /diqi/ (verb: do justice)
  • δіьман /diqma:n/ (police man, Bishop (chess))
  • пłеδіке /pɹedike/ (prejustice)
  • пłеδікі /pɹediki/ (prejudge, distinction)

ƒєь (fuck)

Normalized pronounciation: /føq/


Zjauny listens to an audio book and speaks the following words:
  • Haux anfeuq, pa?
/hɔx anføq pa:/
The word ƒєь means inclusion.
  • What is an inclusion?


The word feuq comes from the Japanese word 含む (ふくむ, /fukumu/), meaning to include

Similar words:

  • ƒєкѕпаδј /føkspadj/ (inclusion mark)
  • ƒєь /føq/ (inclusion)
  • ƒєьі /føqi/ (include)

ьҩь (cock)

Normalized pronounciation: /qɔq/


Zjauny walks through the park with her father when she suddenly utters the following words:
  • Anqauq! Pa, hami anzemqauq ili anmaunsterqauq?
/anqɔq pa: ha:mi anzemqɔq i:li anmɔ:nsteɹqɔq/
One could easily make the mistake to think that she discovered a naked man, but one would be mistaken.
The word ьҩь means ladybug.
In English a monster cock would be a large male member, but that is not the case for the same sounding word in Delang
The word мҩнѕтеłьҩь means harlequin ladybug.
  • A Ladybug! Is it a seven dotted ladybug or a harlequin ladybug


The Delang word qauq comes from the Latin word coccenellidae.

Similar words:

  • земьҩь /zemqɔq/ (seven spotted ladybug)
  • ьҩь /qɔq/ (ladybug)
  • мҩнѕтеłьҩь /mɔ:nsteɹqɔq/ (harlequin ladybug)