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Δотҫем зересеьі (Dotzjem cexezeqi) /du:t͡ʃem zexezeqi/ #lexember #conlang #Delang

The literal meaning of the Delang word is #conlang #Delang

In a Court of Knowledge, ƒаьама (faqama) /faqa:ma/, a demander party, ҍасан (qjazan) /çazan/, and an opposer party, ьонтłам (qontram) /qu:ntɹam/, engages in a debate in front of a panel of judges, ƒоłим (forum) /fuɹʉ:m/, to either convince the other party or the panel that their argument is the correct one. If the parties cannot come to an agreement, the panel will give their judgement in one of four results: In favor of the demander, пłејис (prejuz) /pɹejʉ:z/, in favor of the opposer, ьањгі (qanggi) /qaŋgi/, throw the case out, ваѡо (vawo) /vawu:/, or suspend the case until new information can be put forth, δемељ (demell) /demeɭ/.

A Court of Knowledge is also used by the police, δіьман (diqman) /diqma:n/, to present possible evidence for an accused, before taking the case, евент (event) /event/ to a Court of Law, δіьама (diqama) /diqa:ma/. If the accused, as the opposer party, can refute or convince the panel that evidence doesn't hold up to scrutiny, then the evidence is thrown out and not used later in the Court of Law. Only evidence accepted by the opposer party, or judged in favor of the demander, in this case the police, are put forth in a Court of Law.

111 (111) /111/ -
222 (222) /222/ -
333 (333) /333/ -