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Welcome to the Illomi wiki test page!

This page exists so that you can check out pronunciation of words and sentences.

Have fun!

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Δотҫем зересеьі (Dotzjem cexezeqi) /du:t͡ʃem zexezeqi/ #lexember
Земасін! Гłоломі! (Cemazin! Grolomi!) /zema:zin! gɹu:lumi!/ - Friends, let's go sailing! #conlang #Delang
Гłо вy зеьҩѕтеłе ін δеѡаљбиљ ҩнвy ҩні? (Gro vy ceqaustere in dewallbull aunvy auni?) /gɹu: vy zeqɔsteɹe in dewaɭbʉɭ ɔnvy ɔni?/ - Do you have any skeletons in the closet? #conlang #Delang
111 (111) /111/ -
222 (222) /222/ -
333 (333) /333/ -