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Welcome to the Illomi wiki test page!

This page exists so that you can check out pronunciation of words and sentences. To do so you'll need to edit the page and replace the word zizi or сісі with your text. Use the former if your text is in Latin Delang, and the latter if your text is in native Delang.

Have fun!

Note that only registered Editors may edit pages on this wiki.

#conlang #Delang ѕане (sane) /sane/ – bloody (adj) #Lexember @_conworkshop And one more to go…

And finally: #conlang #Delang інѕане (insane) /insane/ – gory #Lexember @_conworkshop I hope you didn't piss your pants

#conlang #Delang міьа (miqa) /miqa/ (n) – мігі (migi) /mi:gi/ (v) – pee, urine (n), urinate (v) #Lexember @_conworkshop