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Welcome to the Illomi wiki test page!

This page exists so that you can check out pronunciation of words and sentences.

Have fun!

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Winsulbliƕ, konne đu mej hiëltiŋ? (Please, can you help me?)

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Eƕusërt, Ehr as đar staß fer Parees? (Excuse me, is this the station to paris?)

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Wölkamđ ort Amsterdam! (Welcome to Amsterdam!)

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Spliet, bahe jech đu ruitretigđ? (Sorry, did I hurt you?) Аҫаљ! Гłо ас вy ƒłе (Azjall! Gro az vy fre) /aʃaɭ! gɹu: az vy fɹe/

Pardon, I was wrong. Ас ҫаљ, ас ƒłе неьоłеь (Az zjall, az fre neqoreq) /az ʃaɭ, az fɹe nequɹeq/